Monday 5 January 2015

Heading South again!

This is me, Lowri wearing my work clothes and trying to look as professional as possible on the outside, whilst inwardly plotting an overseas visit! 

I was fortunate enough to spend a fantastic 6 months in Lusaka, Zambia as a part of the Zambian Anaesthetic Development Project which taught me so much about international health and probably far more about myself than I thought possible in August 2013 to Feb 2014. See the following links of a previous blog entry for further details:

 Since then I have certainly gained in my everyday work practises and have been itching to get back to spend some time in Zambia....

And so.... Over the Christmas period I put up my decorations... I mean, what Christmas tree doesn't need a hippo and an elephant....

Christmas Tree in Cardiff

...and then went to get further enlightenment (and quality family time) in Lapland - taking in the phenomenal Aurora Borealis and getting photobombed by a Reindeer in my quest to ask Father Christmas for some help in the matter of travelling to Zambia

Aurora Borealis to see in the New Year
Rudolph getting up close and personal
Luckily for me Santa dropped by with a few necessary books: a travel guide, passport and a work permit. And so it seems that getting there was sorted, now I need to sort out something to do!

And, luckily for me, there have been a few offers on the table for different things. I'm really excited to get back to do some teaching and clinical work at the University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka - where I spent my 6 months and joining up with old friends especially Dr David Snell all of which is supported by THET (Tropical Health Education Trust) who without their support, we would never have been able to run the MMed programme or provide such good teaching for the trainees. As well as that I will be doing an new exciting project to go round Zambia collecting follow-up information from over 60 delegates who came on two courses that I was a part of teaching on whilst I was there previously, namely: LIFEBOX( and SAFE OBSTETRICS. This will allow vital information to how the teaching of the courses went, the long term effect of the courses on healthcare as well as give us feedback on how to improve the courses in the future. Its also hoped that it will be a vital time to spread the word about anaesthesia as a specialty and enthuse and hopefully recruit some other doctors into the training programme.

 So.... watch this space for more updates as I get more organised. I'll fill you in on the background as I get going. However I just wanted to stress that the contents of this blog is certainly all my own thoughts and they will represent no official organisational stance - just in case anybody gets offended!

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