Monday 20 April 2015

A marathon of a weekend!

Post physio blues (bruises!)
So, the three chicks got on a plane at Cardiff airport and headed for Paris - allegedly the most beautiful city in the world. Just as well, as we were going to run its streets for 26.2miles so there had better be some decent scenery to look at. Usually for a marathon the training is pretty severe. Well, the chicks had a slightly more 'eclectic' plan with one chick in Africa then returning with  knee problem - this lead to the physio session 5 days prior - the resultant bruising is not generally what the textbook training plan meant with tapering.... Well, no pain, no gain I guess...
One chick had had a severe concussion and was not really going to run but had volunteered to carry the bags and the other chick had been being trying to train in the awful British winter only to then turn up to Paris in tropical conditions. But anyway under the threat of Pierre - the trainers were packed and the bags put on the plane and off we went!

First stop was to the expo where we went in to register. Sadly when your name appears on the wall there is no denying that you really, really have to pick up your race number and get on with it!
Writing on the wall

With all the paperwork ticked off we then had time to take in the sights, literally from the hotel balcony to begin with... 
Welsh chick taking in the Arc de Triomphe
But it was too exciting to stay indoors so we went off on a bit of an explore down the Champs Elysses, through Place de la Concorde and the Louvre before Notre Damne. The hunchback was out so we ate out in a nearby cafe instead!

Garden Twilleries - place de la concorde and
Arc de Triomphe in the background 
The Louvre

Notre Dame

 The following morning we got up early (really, on holidays!) Then didn't have breakfast and went for a run instead. Now, for those that know us, yes this is out of character, and yes I'm not sure who's idea this was but anyway we were enrolled in the 5km 'breakfast fun run'. This was the one Amanda was meant to do as her head was getting better rather than the full marathon. It was great actually as it started at the Arc de Triomphe and then wound through Paris taking in some of the sights to finish at the Eiffel tower. All finishers got a free t-shirt, pain au chocolat and a coffee!

Three chicks: Lowri, Amanda and Catherine at the Arc de Triomphe
Are we nearly there yet?
All smiles at the end!
 Pretty pleased with ourselves we walked back for a shower and a brief rest before sensibly heading to the trusty metro to take us to see the mighty Sacre Coeur on the hill. Well, its all about varying the training regime and steps are good for the calves....

The "love lock" bridge - where we certainly did NOT put a padlock each declaring a love of running!

So... the big day arrives and its a scorcher. We start in the sunshine and that follows us round all day. In fact it is rather hot - thank goodness for all the firemen that were lining the streets to spray us with the water hoses. Not many women were complaining at this point! We braved the skidding across the banana and orange peel at the water stops too. Amanda decided to run the first 5km to soak up the atmosphere but didn't want to push it with her lack of training and recovering concussion. Somehow I lost everybody at the 5km water stop which frankly resembled Bambi on ice meets WWF wrestling. With each step we got closer to the end though it took a while for that to actually feel the case! 
The course truly is a wonderful one. Arc de triumph down the Champs Elysses, Place de la Concorde and the Bastille before through the parc next to the race course. The bands along the way every 1-2 km were fantastic for the spirits and soon we were through the half marathon stage. Seeing the Notre Dame gave me the comfort of knowing I'd managed 15 miles now.... However then the hard part of the run started - the tunnels next to the Seine. They were long and smelt of diesel and were rather tedious and had an uphill at their exits. There's little wonder that Catherine looked underwhelmed.... 

Catherine mid run
The final 10 km were tough for all - the 30km marker of a brick wall was very apt but we pushed past, despite both Catherine and I independently suffering knee pain. Lucky Amanda with only a 5km run to her name watching this torture, I thought... Passing the Eiffel tower at 18 miles was psychologically great but also then pushed us on to potentially the least stimulating part - the Bois de Bologne (no pasta in sight) - which I'm sure is lovely if you are escaping Paris for the weekend but when you're slogging the last 6 miles of a marathon there isn't much to fix on bar the trees. The clowns that were handing out Haribo sweets were all a bit surreal at the 23 miles mark and then passing Rolland Garros turned us back to town. If I'd had an extra 100m for each person that then told me I was nearly there or only 200m to go - I think I'd have finished an hour earlier!!! Though I really was pleased to see the Arc as I went round the last corner and managed to even smile at the cameras as I finished in 4hours 51- though it could be a grimace!

Thumbs up - must have been at the finish!
Catherine was happy (despite her knee injury) with a new PB too and Amanda was ecstatic as she had actually kept going and going and going (carefully mixing running and walking) - the ultimate Forrest Gump impression and was really chuffed at a sub 6h time. So we were all pretty happy, though battered when we met up at the hotel. Having all moaned about our (mainly) joint pains, I was rather surprised to discover this wonderful bruise, blister and black toe nail on taking the sock off to shower - wasn't even painful!

Battered and blistered to go with the bruises!
However there is no rest for the wicked and shortly after a shower and room service of a beer each we donned our glad rags and, well at best limped, more likely lurched back to the Metro and to the Moulin Rouge! Yes!!! A long time ambition of the chicks was to take in the sights of the Moulin Rouge! Well, lets be fair here - they did feed us a decent 3 course meal and half a bottle of champagne each and put on a rather ecclectic show - I can only describe it as being similar to what I'd imagine watching a psychedelic musical on magic mushrooms must be like. But still we had tremendous fun right up until we actually had to get up out of our seats 2 hours later... oh dear!

Le Moulin Rouge
Eating ambience in the Moulin Rouge
Catherine with Laurent (perrier)

Amanda rehydrating after a stellar performance
 The following day - I can only describe as interesting. Thankfully there was a perfectly close and well functioning lift that took us to breakfast after our lie in until 9am!!! Pain au chocolates all round and a bucket load of tea! Luckily packing for home consisted of shoving stuff back in a bag and soon we were back on the streets and dragging ourselves up to the Arc de Triomphe. Not sure if we are stood there looking smug that we a) Finished the run  b) have medals c) managed to see the Moulin Rouge show or d) managed to physically get to the Arc de Triomphe the following day!

Though I do think that the 4 chicks really enjoyed their time in Paris, especially the champagne on the Champs Elysses.

So far, the fundraising for Cancer research has gone really well - We are all truly, truly grateful to everybody that has sponsored us or supported us throughout. We are slowly getting towards out target and are just hovering near breaking through the £3,000 barrier. This is an immense amount of money for the charity and we are really psyched about stepping it up over the next ew challenges such as the velothon, cardiff triathlon, cardiff half marathon and cycling across Tanzania not to mention a few other things to be announced...

Should you still not have been harangued into sponsorship and would like to - fear not - it is still open and you can donate at any time at:

Or Text: Chrp99 and the amount e.g. £2 to 70070.

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