Thursday 9 April 2015

All roads lead to..... Paris (it seems!)

Oh dear, here's another fine mess I've got myself into...

 It seems at some time, at some stage of my rather happy existence as a couch potato in 2014 I did what I try and avoid doing too often and thought about what I wanted to do in 2015....

And so, what did I come up with.... well I wasn't sure what I was after, so I thought, I know, I'll chat to a friend.... ERROR! Major error.... 

As with all things all great ideas start
on the back of an envelope... It's also
annoyingly easy to add to it too.
Talk moved from all sorts of sensibles plans of action such as going to the pub or indulging with take away it turned into a series of challenges...

 First up (originally): was a marathon. Well, that's not so bad I thought. remember the chocolate? That started out as a marathon and ended up being re-thought and remodelled into Snickers. This is just a fad - I can go along with this idea and then it will run its course...

It seems not, as with many crazy ideas some things just snowball out of all proportion! So there we go, that's the background decision made. So the next decision was where? Again really easy decision - Paris! Great city and essentially where better to delude oneself that you're doing an extreme sightseeing trip not running 26 miles (42KM!)

 So the training begun - the Cardiff half marathon came and went and the November 10km in Cardiff saw a really fun event ....  Though it took me a week to be able to blow my nose and be totally yellow fluff free!

Beautiful ladies sporting their movember tashes...

We were then joined by another two (Amanda and Sue) and hence the birth of the 4 chicks with the main event being a cycle across Tanzania in November and an aim to raise a lot of money for cancer research. We even convinced a further chick (Amanda) to join us on the Paris marathon.
Catherine training with Emma sporting
the 4 chicks vest

And after Christmas that's when things got really serious. That's when I flew off for warm weather training... ahem work in Zambia and left Catherine in the very capable hands of
Emma Cresswell .

On  a serious note here - a fantastic personal trainer who will do whatever she can to hone you into not only a fit but strong and healthy individual. If you're looking to hit targets realistically - she's your lady! Cardio, weights or nutrition. 

 Sadly for me though she's based in Cardiff and I was in the heat and humidity of Zambia. So it was head down, trainers and shorts on and best foot forwards. For Amanda sadly things had got really serious with a head injury after being bashed off her bike whilst out training (catch the full story on the website:

  So I was going loco in Lusaka and here are some of my top tips for training in Africa:

  • Go running early in the morning and ALWAY wear sun screen...
  • Avoid running after dark as there are no street lights, car lights and plenty of potholes (accidents and road traffic accidents are plentiful)
  • Vary your diet - monkey gland sauce is full of protein


Who am I kidding? This was really, really hard work. 26C and humidity in the 80s. Yuk! That and periods (up to 3 weeks) of inactivity during busy work schedules or follow-up duties!

 Still, I got through that and landed back in the UK a week ago. Thankfully I have been able to pay diligent attention to my nutritional state - well its all about the carb loading now....  To be honest there is no way on earth that I would EVER pass up the opportunity to eat really good cake. And how lucky am I that I know just the place to get some:

 Seriously, they cater for everything:
 Healthy early breakfast fruit cake - perfect for energy boost
Peanut butter and jam - exactly right for post workout

Cocktail cup cake... well what better way to relax of an evening....
So, on the 12th of April I WILL be running the Paris marathon. This will happen, whether the French air strike continue and I HAVE to swim the channel... The reason being this is an opportunity to raise as much money as possible for such an important issue. Cancer, all joking aside, has affected most of us in some form during their lives. It is an uncompromising disease that has no regard for creed, culture, country or cash. It is something we have to overcome in the medical world and thanks to the tireless efforts of many scientists and clinicians the tide is slowly turning. This is my small attempt to aid the fight and if it means dragging my carcass around the streets of Paris and across Tanzania then that's what I'll do.

 If you've enjoyed reading this blog or some of my other blogs, please, please, please consider putting your hand in your pocket and pledging some cash to this wonderful cause. Diolch yn fawr! Thanks!

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