Thursday 28 April 2016

Packing it in pre departure!

This trip - though still feeling ages away is within a week. We head off on Saturday morning... which is actually technically less than a week or could even be described as being 48 hours away... Eek! Where has my week gone to?

The beginning of it was actually glorious sunshine that allowed the wonderful display of bluebells in the garden to really shine. This also coincided with brushing up with all the likely venomous and dangerous flora and fauna that may greet us along the way. Thankfully my youngest niece has shown me quite a few tricks when trying to diffuse the threats of any giant worms.

Beautiful sunshine and bluebells
Nesta with the menacing giant worm



However I had to jump in the car and head up to North Wales for two days to do various visits and logistical tasks! Firstly I had to visit Bethan Hickerton (Tink 2) who'll be heading out to meet me in Ecuador so I could drop off a bag with suitable attire for travelling on a boat around the Galapagos and hiking up to 6,000m. Somehow I don't think that the two pairs of cycling shorts I am taking with me to Colombia are going to be suitable for either task by then! We also had a few details to hammer out about the trip but I think Beth had managed to excel herself with preparing for my visit! 

A planning meetings is thirsty work

The following day I then head off into North Wales to visit another Bethan (also know as 'the lovely' Bethan) and also Ceri (my oldest childhood friend) and her family. It's always lovely to catch up with folk that you don't see all that often in person and especially so with all the changes and ups and downs that have taken place in the last few months for both of them. It was also lovely to receive the very kind gifts of a lucky charm bracelet and some soothing Welsh lavender massage oils for tired muscles! We had a great time and it was with a heavy heart I got into my car once again and pointed South. Coincidental perhaps was the first song that blared out as I turned on the radio "It's the final Countdown" by Europe... but I took the hint and drove home through ridiculous snow blizards en route (here's hoping the Andes are more forgiving)!!

Snowy Snowdon


And perhaps the inclement weather was just what I needed to get my act together for the packing duties ahead. So in time old fashion, I put everything I thought I'd need on the bed. I then halved it, quartered it, eightethed it (is that a word?) and then halved it again to a sixteenth of the original pile!!! Though I feel I am on the bare bones of what I need it still seemed like a lot laid out on the bed.

The final Colombia collection
The acid test was next... would it all fit in the two pannier bags. With trepidation (and lots of rolling and shoving) I commenced on that task... and lo and behold I was spot on. Two full but packed panniers ready for the off. 
All packed and ready to go on the bike
Of course that would have been fine if we were setting off on the bikes from Carmarthen, but we're not! We're flying out to Colombia and so the luggage needs to go in the hold along with the bike... Though small the panniers would still count as two bags so I then had the unenviable task of turning two into one. Thanks goodness I'd bought that large stuff sack from Lidl a few years ago! And stuff sack is by the far the best description of the packing process to get everything in. There's not even any space for fresh air in that bag anymore!

BOOM! Sorted
  So the next problem to attend to is... you've guessed it.. the bike. Originally we were going to take it to bits and pack it in a box. However after a fortuitous phone call with Lufthansa they assure me that we can just wheel them in to the terminal. Genuinely! I'm still not 100% convinced but after three further phone calls and a confirmation emails it seems that the bikes will be in one piece in the hold. Just as well as I didn't fancy lifting them up into the overhead locker! 

Next stop London (airport) so it seems!

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