Saturday 23 April 2016

Dwy ar daith: Two on tour

 It seems to be somewhat of a co-incidence that I’ve been called the Peter Pan of medical training for several years now (the junior doctor that refuses to grow up to be a consultant). I’ve travelled to fantastic places and met, worked and played with some special people all over the globe for the last 16 years– maybe not quite Neverland, Wendy and Captain Hook but pretty close to it!

So here I am a day away from actually finishing as a junior doctor having had an amazing year working at Great Ormond Street and living in the capital of England. 

 It's allowed me to explore the 'sights' and also take in the lesser 'seen' things such as the amazing street art (graffiti). Below is probably my most favourite street artist: Nathan Bowen (no relation!) who tends to be able to turn a scribble into an amazing facade for the side of a building.

St Paul's and the 'walkie-talkie'           
       The Shard, Gherkin and the London Eye

Peter Pan and Tinkerbell

  And it is probably only co-incidental that every day I go to work I pass the bronze statue for Peter Pan and Tinkerbell situated to acknowledge J.M.Barrie’s incredible donation of the royalties of his fantasy character to Great Ormond Street Hospital. However on the eve of starting as a consultant (and yes, I do actually have a grown up consultant job to start at long last) I’ve magically been granted a final reprieve to run away to “Neverland and never come back till forever ends”… well, ok not quite. It seems forever ends or rather starts in August but still there’s 3 months of adventure ahead! So as you may have gathered this is not a blog about London or of working in a hospital rather one of adventure and travel.

Christmas Elf (or me starting the Peter Pan metamorphosis)

And of course Peter Pan never goes on adventures by himself but he has a trusted and fun companion – Tinkerbell or Tinks. And luckily for me there are similar characters itching, ready and set for adventure in Neverland. In fact I’m
extremely lucky as I will be joined by two separate Tinkerbelles. I should introduce both now as Hannah (Tink 1) and Bethan (Tink 2) – though if this comparison doesn’t guarantee them pushing me in front of the crocodile or Captain Hook nothing will!

         Tinkerbell 1: Hannah - ready for anything

Tinkerbell 2: Bethan - At ease on the water

Tinkerbell 1: Hannah: The intrepid and
consumate traveller

So, what does one do with three months of time? There are a gazillion options - loads that are incredibly tempting and dare I say it on my 'bucket list' (if I had the time or inclination to sit down and write one). Which brings me back to what’s the plan? Well, Peter Pan was never strong on planning and strangely enough neither am I. I cannot take credit for the adventure idea as it wasn't mine!

As it happens, Hannah (Tink 1) heard I had some time and was planning some mischief and time off herself. She has always had a burning ambition to cycle tour in Colombia and when she heard that I was potentially granted some time to mess around she ‘carpe diem-ed me’. Needless to say it was a definite yes from me! I'd been inspired by Hannah's tales of previous cycle touring exploits with some of her close friends who went on to cycle the whole length of Latin and South America
( should you want to read anything about cycling through South America here's their amazing blog: ). The rest as they say is history! Hannah being a seasoned cycle tourist, having already conquered parts of South America already and can speak Spanish seemed a very sensible friend to have by my side. However, I suspect she was counting on me to put in a bit more effort than hiring a Boris Bike to use out there! Sadly due to work constraints Hannah only has two months of time away which meant I had a full month to play with on my own after that.

Tinkerbell 2: Bethan - always a keen eye
for wildlife
   Luckily Beth (Tink 2) was also very keen to have an adventure/holiday of a lifetime too. Ok, to be honest this is a holiday of a lifetime edition 2. Edition 1 happened a year ago when, prior to Beth starting as a consultant in Liverpool, she came out to visit me in Zambia and we saw the inspiring Victoria Falls, and had unforgettable safari trips (genuinely almost being trampled by elephants and eaten by wild dogs).  Anyway the lure of a trip to the Galapagos Islands (where there are no wild dogs) was too much and she promptly booked her flights as I then snuck in, and booked a climb up the (currently) dormant volcano Cayemebe (5,790m) into the itinerary when she wasn't looking.   

     Brixton Bikes: a complete gem in an
edgy neighbourhood
 And so then the odious planning had to start taking place... I thought I should bite the bullet and buy a touring bike. Lucky for me, I got some great pointers from Hannah's friends (and on their advice, and I have to say they were spot on) I took a trip to Brixton Bikes in London. The shop is an independent bike co-operative and full of an eclectic mix of people who know their stuff about 2 wheeled transport. It was also quite an adventure finding it as it's in a pretty lively and edgy neighbourhood. I certainly learnt more in 20 minutes about touring bikes than I ever knew existed, from a Rastafarian who'd cycled round every Caribbean island (or so he claims). Anyway he seemed to know a thing or two and was incredibly enthusiastic about my trip so I left having bought my brand new Surly bike, a Long Haul Trucker.

Not your usual London commuter                                                                                                             
Getting the bike and bringing it back to Wales was one thing - kitting it out was a whole different ball game. In the end I've decided to keep it simple and travel with only two back panniers and the bare minimum inside them. Well... if you're going to trawl up the Andes on a bike then less will definitely be more (certainly when slogging uphill).

So, despite not enjoying the planning aspects it seems that so far I have got some of the most important things sorted - trusted companions, valid flight tickets, a bike and some panniers. Throw in some local currency and a guidebook and I reckon I'm just about there!

So I think Peter Pan and his friends are certainly heading in the right direction as they prepare to leave London for Neverland.

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